Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Still Not 1/18

I spent quite some time trying to come up with an appropriate title for this post. A few I tried on:
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
Really, Uterus?

That last one still feels the most appropriate.

Today was the repeat endometrial biopsy and FemVue. The FemVue's goal was to check my tubes and make sure nothing was left in my uterus. Tubes looked great. Uterus? Not so much. Don't know if it's placenta or adhesions, but up near the fundus something remains. It was obvious enough I could pick it out on ultrasound, and I suck at reading u/s.

I'm not surprised - my period has been unusual, and there was fluid in my uterus before they started the FemVue, which didn't bode well. Alas, this means another operative hysteroscopy. If it means another week with a stent . . . if it means another week with a stent I'm thinking very hard about canceling the surgery and giving up. Because a uterine catheter is hell. Just hell. No better description. Surgery is booked for Friday, and if I think too long about it, I'll back out because I'm just not up for that hell again.

So I won't think about it, I'll just do it.

Oh, and for the record, today's biopsy hurt a lot more than last month's. The FemVue didn't hurt at all during, but I still have odd abdominal tenderness afterward. Fun times.  

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