Tuesday, November 27, 2018

19 weeks!

19 weeks! Yes, the exclamation point is necessary. :)

18 weeks to go before mandatory eviction and only 5 to viability. I am so incredibly grateful. We'll see how my cervix is doing on Thursday, but I'll stay hopeful. Every day closer is a win and I don't take any of them for granted, despite the nausea, burping, heartburn, and uterine irritability. Grow, babies, grow!

How far? 19 weeks
Measuring? On track as of last ultrasound. All my u/s have show a gestational age that's a day behind what I thought. I finally figured it out - they're all calculated on my LMP, but I triggered on day 11, meaning ovulation at day 13 instead of the assumed day 14. I'm sure no one cares but me, but I'm not giving up that day in my own mind!
Size? Mangoes!
Heartbeat? We'll find out on Thursday.
Total weight gain/loss: Up 14 to 132. The rapid weight gain is scary for me as someone who has been overweight, and who worked hard to lose 40 pounds and stay in the healthy range for 10+ years. This is the first time I've been over 125 in 12 years (I set 125 as my 'do not pass go' weight to make sure I wouldn't go back to where I'd been), and it's tough mentally. I'm tracking calories and I'm not sure how I'm gaining so fast, but it's probably still good for the babies. I wonder if I have a GD diagnosis looming?
Maternity: Oh yeah!
Stretch: Nothing new yet.
Sleep: Nightmares. So many nightmares this week. 
Movements? Off and on. Ready and hoping for more on than off! Darn anterior placentas!
Cravings? No. Feeling really 'blech' when it comes to food.
Gender: One boy, one girl.
Miss? Wine. It's been nearly 3 years since I had more than a half-glass. DH opened wine for a Thanksgiving recipe, and I really missed the ability to have a (half) glass with him.
Looking forward to? Viability on New Year's Day. Getting to see them again at our comprehensive ultrasound on Thursday. 
Feeling? Burps, burps, burps . . . and heartburn! I've also managed to start walking on the treadmill again. I'm slow and I have terrible round ligament pain for the first mile, but I've actually done 3 miles for two days now, and I'm happy. Of course, in July before the HG, I was walking 5 around the lake in less than 90 minutes and now it takes almost an hour to do 3, but I'll be grateful for the three I can do!
Comparisons to last time? I'm farther along this time, and was sicker this time, so perhaps that's it, but with both Quinn and the twins, I was able to work out more by 15-16 weeks, and felt better when doing it. My body is just slower, my heart rate is much higher, and it's depressing this time. I guess twins, plus a 14 pound weight gain, will do that to you!

Here's 19 weeks - amazed and thrilled to be here!


  1. Sounds encouraging with the strong symptoms, though I’m sorry for the discomfort. Yay mangoes! 😊
