Monday, January 28, 2019

Hospital Again

The title says it all. Woke up around 1:45 to painful, constant contractions. Called the OB at 2:30 when they hadn't stopped. Went to local triage where they confirmed I was actively contracting. Sent by ambulance to the University Hospital. Have done round 1 of betamethasone and am on magnesium and indomethacin. So badly want to keep these babies in, and while contractions have died down, they're not gone. So sad and scared. These babies need to stay inside for so much longer. I knew the risks of prematurity with TAC twins, but I've been counting on 33 to 35, not 28.

Come on, uterus, work with us. Keep them safe.


  1. Oh my god I’m so sorry. We’re all here with you hoping for the best.

    1. Thank you - we'll take all the hopes we can get.

  2. Try to take things one day at a time - each day is one step to them being just a little stronger.
    Thinking of you and the babies!

    1. I am definitely trying that. Tomorrow will be 28 weeks, that's a good milestone. One more day forward!

  3. Damn it. I know how scary this is, especially because you were hoping for longer. I know this is also not what you wanted.

    Take each day at a time and tell the rest of us HOW we can support you during this time. The focus is on you and your babies, navigating all of this. Everyone else doesn't count.

    Sending love. And let me know what I can do.

    1. Thank you so, so much! As of now, the tocolytics are working and contractions have stepped down to just uterine irritability. The MFM went from saying deliver was imminent at morning rounds to being very hopeful we'd still be here on Friday as of evening rounds.

      So grateful for positive wishes and thoughts. Now that the panic (and the mag) are wearing off, it's getting a bit overwhelming to be back in the same antepartum where we lost Quinn. Sigh. One day at a time, one breath at a time if needed.

  4. From my country very far from yours, I pray for you and the babies.
    I read your blog and found some inspiration.

    God bless you and the babies!

  5. Sending love and care and praying they will stay in a little longer.

  6. I hope you are at 28 weeks now! Best of luck to you

  7. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!!! This is not good news. Hang in there as long as possible. I'm sending positive thoughts to you and those sweet babies. My heart is just breaking for you.
