Friday, April 24, 2020

Baby Book: 14 Months

T and A turn one year, adjusted, today. It's hard to believe that it's been a full year since we brought them both home from the NICU. Overall, things are going really well. They're growing, developing on track, and are just a pleasure to be around (most of the time). They've caught up to their un-adjusted age's growth curves and seem to be hitting most developmental milestones on an unadjusted track. Eating is the one thing that's challenging, as both are very picky eaters and don't really want any solid solids. Outside of breakfast foods (eggs, oatmeal, yogurt), and fruit (pureed), the list of foods both will eat is near zero. Even traditional kid favorites like Mac N' Cheese or chicken nuggets are often rejected. Veggies are even harder to work in. I'll keep trying and remind myself that they're above the median on their growth curves, so unlikely to starve.

For the milestone list.

  • A is fantastic at standing up unaided. He'll go from crouching to standing, turn around to look at things, lift things, and otherwise be really stable.
  • A has just, in the last two days, started to take unaided steps. As of today he'll routinely take 3-4 steps to someone waiting with open arms. It baffles me how he can stand so steadily, but tips over the instant he tries to walk. 
  • A loves climbing the stairs. If you let him loose, he'll race up to the top, and whoever is waiting up there is greeted with a HUGE grin as his little face peeks over the top step. He'll then crawl off to explore the rest of the house. 
  • A's gotten his first four molars in, and I think there might be a canine about to emerge. 
  • If you don't move fast enough when feeding him, A loves to chomp on the spoon and  hold on for dear life. He also loves to feed himself with the spoon if you put food on it. He is very happy, but it is not the cleanest process ever! ;)
  • A seems to have learned the sign for milk, and will say 'all done' aloud when he's done eating. He still won't sign "more". 
  • A is part puppy dog, and loves to chomp things in his mouth and then crawl off with them. He also drools like crazy and still spits up a lot, so our carpet is covered in blankets we wash every night. He and his sister love to each pull the blanket up off the carpet in different places and wait for mommy or daddy to come grab them up and tell them no. Every morning after their bottles when I leave them alone to run upstairs and start the wash, I'll find them both sitting on the floor, rolled up in the blankets that they've pulled up! It's a favorite game.

  • T is a walking machine. Even when she can crawl somewhere faster, she'll find a wall or person and stand up so she can walk.
  • T can't stand up unaided like A can. She needs something vertical to push off against. 
  • T can point out her nose, her mouth and her tummy. If you ask her to bring you something, she'll find it and carry it over. If you ask her to play music when she's holding a toy that has sound, she'll take whatever action that toy needs to start playing. I continue to be impressed by her receptive language. 
  • During play, T will routinely try to pass toys to her brother or the adult playing with her. She knows he likes to hold things in his mouth, so she always tries to put the toy in his mouth. With an adult, sometimes she wants you to pass them back, sometimes not. 
  • T continues to be the one that needs attention and has strong opinions. She cries when she doesn't get what she wants. I feel bad for her brother because this often means I spend more time with her as he's pretty mellow left on his own, whereas she's meltdown city. 
  • T has gotten good with stacking cups and rings, and is starting to correctly use the shape sorter. She'll bring you her books to read, although she gets distracted immediately. 
  • T is happy to climb stairs, but keeps trying to walk up them instead. She's not quite tall enough and this frustrates her to no end!

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