Friday, June 17, 2016


The HSG went catastrophically badly. To quote my RE, "I've never seen an image like that in my career." The radiologist was also mystified.

Instead of seeing a normal uterus and two fallopian tubes, or hell, even a unicornate uterus and one tube, there was the tiniest nodule of a uterus and one tube. In other words, the HSG showed fundamentally no open uterine cavity. No uterine cavity means no pregnancy.

I had a hysteroscopy a month ago - I have the images from it and the OB who did it said everything looked great. The hysteroscopy I had to remove my first IUD back in 2012 also ended with being told I had a good looking uterus. How the fuck did I go from there to an image with no uterine cavity and only one tube? The only HSG images even remotely similar to mine are ones with tremendously severe Asherman's - and my HSG showed even less of a uterine cavity than those.

If this isn't just a fuck up in the testing, which is what I'm praying for, then I'm scared we're at game over. I'll regroup with my RE next week if I can get an appointment. Meanwhile, I'm spending the weekend  trying to remember to breathe.

I will get through this. Somehow, I will get through this.

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