Friday, July 12, 2019


Ladies, HALP!

I've been exclusively pumping for the 19 weeks since the babies were born. Breastmilk has been fortified with Neosure to raise calories since day 1. For the last ~8 weeks, due to supply issues, I've fed 50% fortified breastmilk/50% straight Neosure. There have been no issues.

I started back to work on Monday. Thursday, first Aaron, then both babies, started refusing bottles. This morning Adam gave them Neosure only and they slurped it down. Conclusion: they won't take my breastmilk any more.

Please tell me there's a fix to this! I have 300 oz frozen, and 1.5 days worth mixed that will have to be discared within the next 20 hours if they don't drink it. 


  1. Oh no!!! That is so heartbreaking. It is such hard work to pump. Maybe you have excess lipase in your milk and that is why they are refusing it.

  2. Echoing Anne. I have high lipase in my milk when it's frozen. Check out that link from KellyMom. You could try the heating method suggested in there and see if that helps.
