Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 We have a little boy with Down Syndrome. 

So that's that. At this precise second, I actually feel ok. Life with two kids is great. It's easy in ways that it wouldn't be with a third. Plus, I love sleep, so I'm not sure how well I'd do with newborn sleep deprivation. Thus my sadness at this outcome is tempered by my realization that there are real benefits to things staying the same.

The hard part now is deciding what to do with our single, day 7 euploid. Actually, the hard part is deciding what I'm willing to do. I'm 100% not willing to do a pre-pregnancy cerclage with only a day 7 embryo. I might be willing to do the operative hysteroscopies, transfer, and if he sticks, then do an in-pregnancy TAC. *Might*. That would be signing up for a great deal of additional stress, anxiety, worry, etc. It would also mean an open TAC, versus a lap-TAC, which I would have done as a pre-pregnancy procedure. So I don't know what I'll decide. We regroup with our RE on Friday and I'll probably ask for a referral to a guy at Mayo who in theory works wonders with Asherman's. It's worth investigating for the sake of the little dude in the freezer. 

1 comment:

  1. Sending you love! Also love the phrase "the little dude in the freezer." Technology is so wild that that sentence exists! Thinking of you as you move forward with this news.
