Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Real Life

Since T and A were born so early, and spent so long in the NICU, I never had newborn photos done. We decided that with fall photo sessions in full swing, we'd sign up and see if we could get at least some professional photos before the kids are old enough for their high school senior portraits! 

Usually the first snow in Minnesota is the second week of November. October is the time of fall colors, crisp night temperatures, and beautiful days. Thus, we booked our photos for late October. The week of the photos, we got nearly a foot of snow. The day of our photos it was below freezing and extremely windy. Minnesota broke both cold and snow records. As a result, instead of idyllic, happy family photos, we had freezing, cranky, real-life ones. A, in particular, was miserable and sobbed any time DH tried to put him down, including when DH tried to pass him to me to hold.

This photo sums it up perfectly.

To be fair, we did get some gorgeous photos thanks to the talented Melissa Kay. Here are two favorites.

Overall, these depict real life, and it's a real life I couldn't be more grateful to call mine. Sobbing toddlers, red noses, and misplaced clothing, I'm happy to experience it all. 

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