Saturday, June 9, 2018

Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

So today's home pregnancy tests looked pretty good. Newest one is on the right. I got excited and optimistic and hopeful. I went in for a beta.

It's 22. 22 at 12 dpo. That's even lower than my last treatment cycle, and we know how that one turned out.

Seriously, why the fuck do my babies keep dying? As far as stages of grief go, right at this moment I believe I'm on anger. Repeat beta on Monday, because hey, it'll be fun to throw another $95 and miss more time from work to get crap news.


  1. I’m so sorry. Wrapping you in love today.

  2. So so so sorry to read this. Sending you a huge hug.

  3. *hugs* I'm so sorry. It's such an unhappy piece of news, especially since the home tests look so hopeful
