Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Hysteroscopy #8

Yesterday was hysteroscopy number 8. This was the 'third strike and you're (uterus is) out!' hysteroscopy. My OB just called to report that there were lots of calcifications and other 'crud' in my uterus. She can still see the holes from the clerclage, which I guess aren't healing well. Further, the pathology continues to show infection.

So I do another round of clindamaycin. Followed by a SIS and biopsy. And then we talk about next steps.

I got off the phone and snuggled babies, because, really, what else can you do after a call like that? Fortunately, these two make it so worthwhile!

A, being entirely adorable and happy.

T, making faces

1 comment:

  1. Oh those babies!!! I'm so sorry to hear your news. That sucks. You're right. Baby snuggles are the best comfort.
