Monday, November 2, 2020


 I'm sorry for the vagueness, but I just have to get this out.

Something has happened at work that has perfectly mimicked research showing that when white men behave a certain way it's called "good leadership" and it's rewarded. When women or people of color behave the same way, it's called "aggressive" or "disrespectful." 

Someone that I have the utmost respect for will have permanent impacts to their career because of this bullshit.

I have escalated through the right channels, but there's nothing I can do at this point because the system itself is not equipped to recognize the inherent racism and sexism and respond appropriately. 

I am so, so angry. I can't imagine what this person will feel when they find out. There are additional layers of bullshit that make it even worse and make me even angrier. 

Our country is broken. The way we treat each other is broken. Even when we have the ability to acknowledge the breaks, we lack the fortitude to fix them. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry. The country is absolutely broken. I'm sorry you're seeing it in your workplace, and I'm sorry that the person who is affected doesn't yet know. Grrrrr.
