Monday, January 11, 2021

Reflections and Cynicism

 The events in my home country have really shaken and saddened me. In my cynicism, I've often said that other humans never fail to disappoint me, but this goes far beyond that. 

The questions I keep turning over in my mind is: how could a reasonable person believe that the election results were fraudulent? How could a reasonable person attempt to subvert democracy while simultaneously claiming to do so because others have subverted democracy? I certainly understand how a reasonable person could be upset and angry with an election outcome that countered their preference. I understand how they might want to look for a way to achieve a result they liked better. I don't understand how masses of people could wholesale believe in such a massive hoax and turn to insurrection to 'resolve' the matter. There's the true fraud perpetrated this election: the fraud of the incumbent claiming a victory that was definitely not earned.

I wonder if the culture of avoiding things that upset us is somewhat responsible. I'm part of an IF group. That group maintains a separate place for members to discuss 'success.' However even in that separate place, some people were getting upset over the details of others' success. What options did they have? They could have avoided the success discussion all together. They could have acknowledged that other people get the things they want, and that's not a reason for anger. Instead the group decided that those reporting on success could no longer provide any details. Rather than saying "Hey, I want to have a success like that, and it kills me that I don't, but I'm happy for you." they said "Find someplace else to celebrate so I don't have to feel pain because of you."

Now we have part of our country who can't stand being faced with the pain of not having their candidates win. They can't stand it to an extent that they're rioting and attempting to violate the very democratic foundations of our country. Maybe the time has come for each of us to say "Hey, there are some things in life that I don't like. But rather than deny or avoid or get angry at those who have what I want, I'll focus on doing what I can to improve myself and my environment through reasonable and legally appropriate means." Alas, I'm too cynical to think that most people are willing to take on that level of emotional work. 


  1. Well said! It’s been a sad week and I have to admit that I have zero faith in my fellow “citizens.”

  2. Oh man. Yes, to all of this. It's been so challenging to talk about this in school, because you can hear unreasonable things being repeated that are heard at home, and I feel like the person of the highest office in the nation is providing a really great example of what it means to be a sore loser. An abhorrently sore loser. I said a lot of things like, "When things don't go your way, it stinks. It hurts. You wish your person had won (or insert any other thing that doesn't go your way). But no one experiences nothing but winning. And you have to learn to be okay with that." Which is a hard damn lesson.

    IF groups can be tough. I was part of one that took place all in email and someone broke off and sent an email to a smaller group within the list that said "So and so isn't infertile enough to be a part of our group. It makes me mad that she can get pregnant so easily. She should find a different group." Okay, well the person who got pregnant easily lost her babies an obscene amount of times. But the angry person couldn't see that side of things, only that if you could get pregnant, you shouldn't be a part of the group because it was painful. Oy. People in pain sometimes are completely unreasonable.

    And in our country, I feel like people in pain have been taken advantage of and incited by the leaders, and some news media, and social media, and it's dangerous. I want to believe that America can do better. I'm cynical too, but trying to still have hope for change and a future that makes some sense.

    1. Oh yeah. I keep thinking, "Just because you didn't get the outcome you wanted doesn't mean foul play was involved." I can't imagine trying to get that concept across given the role modeling we're seeing right now.

      I'm like you in wanting to believe that we can do better. I hope for Lincoln's better angels of our nature to bring unity and compassion. I hope we see that take place.
