Friday, May 27, 2016

It Went Well (Sorta)

Monday was hysteroscopy day. Surgery was scheduled for 1:50 pm, so I got to enjoy the fun of no food or liquid for most of the day, along with the anticipation of someone getting up close and personal with my reproductive system. Since Dr. S could only guess based on the ultrasound that I had scarring or fibroids, I was very interested in knowing what Dr. C (who performed the surgery) found. Thus, after surgery, I asked my husband what the doctor had told him. The only thing DH could remember was “it went well.” GAH!

On that front, it did go well. I was done and on my way home by 4:30, and other than a really sore throat, some mild cramping, a bit of bleeding, and the occasional shooting pain coming from the direction of my uterus, things are normal. Compared to the d&c in January, I was much more hungover from the anesthesia this time.

While DH didn't know much, Dr. C did, and he called me at home Tuesday night to check on me and follow up. He told me he found only minor scarring by one of my tubes and he took care of it. He doesn’t expect there to be any new scar tissue that forms, so he didn’t use a balloon catheter. He’s bumped up my follow up appointment to June 7, and we’ll talk about next steps then. The down side of “minor” scarring is that it’s unlikely to be an explanation for the repeated losses. So we’re not much farther along than where we started.

So, what’s ahead? I should be getting my cycle day (CD) 3 blood work back. That will tell me how close to diminished ovarian reserve I am. If the answer is that I’m very close, I lean toward more aggressive treatment now. If my numbers are ok for my age, hopefully we can try less costly and less aggressive options first. I’ll also be discussing my thin uterine lining with Dr. C. He said it’s probably not a factor, but a lining under 5 on the day before ovulation is not promising, and I have the research studies to back that up. So, we’ll see. Wish me luck?

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