Thursday, October 19, 2017

Infectious Diseases Specialist Visit

With the crappy news of another operative hysteroscopy, I got distracted and never posted about our appointment with the Infectious Disease Specialist at the U. Overall, it was a good experience. The TL;DR version: the initial CE finding was probably due to retained POC. It's probably unnecessary, but I can do 14 days of doxy and repeat the biopsy.

Here's the long version: The doctor (who was very pregnant herself) was extremely thorough. She spent well over an hour with us and walking through my complete medical history, going back to childhood. She even sent a follow up note to me asking if I'd had blood clots in the past, because she'd spoken to a colleague who is a rheumatologist, to see if my history of juvenile arthritis (JRA) might be playing a role.

The downside of such a long conversation and discussing so much history is that the conversation was a bit meandering. It's hard to tell the red herrings (JRA, recurrent sinus infections, 12+ years of incurable infection in two of my toes) from the relevant (chronic endometritis, recurrent UTIs). She mentioned something that I thought was really interesting, if frightening: in a proportion of women with recurrent UTIs, there seems to be a chicken and egg issue, where the surface of the bladder is inflamed, and that inflammation makes it more prone to bacterial growth/infection. No one is sure which comes first: the inflammation, or the infection. It can be really hard to break the cycle. This could be what's happening with my uterus, but there's no clear treatment approach if so.

She thought the CE from the biopsy might simply be because of the amount of debris that was in my uterus - retained placenta. She wanted, partly for research, partly for me, to have me do another biopsy before starting antibiotics. Our initial discussion was that we would do the biopsy, and if the CE is gone, I wouldn't do any antibiotics. However, I realized that with the FemVue, I would have to take a few days of antibiotics. Once we discussed that, the doctor agreed that if we were going to be on 4 days of doxy, we might as well do the 14 days of doxy that would be the normal first line treatment for CE. So, the plan was: biopsy and Femvue on 10/4. 14 days of doxy starting on 10/14. Repeat biopsy when my next cycle starts.

Of course, we didn't account for the repeat hysteroscopy in the plan, but it doesn't really change anything. I finished my doxy yesterday morning, and I'm now booked for what I really hope will be my last biopsy on the 30th. The pathology from this last hysteroscopy came back with no evidence of CE (YIPPEE!), and also no retained placenta. It appeared there was just a bit of scar tissue.

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