Monday, September 21, 2020

Microblog Mondays: Streaks, Revisited

 You prepare yourself for the call. The only call you can fathom, given a day 7 embryo and your 40 year old eggs. The call that says, "I'm sorry, but I have your CCS results back and your embryo is aneuploid."

You prepare, but you never get a call.

Instead, while in pre-op for your next ER, you hear a voice asking, "Is she still awake?" Next thing you know, your nurse is in the room, and you can tell even with the mask that she's smiling. "I have good news for you guys" she says. And then she tell us that we have a perfectly healthy day 7 boy. 

I cried. DH teared up. Both nurses teared up. The surgical nurse asked my IVF nurse if this was what her job is usually like, since the surgical nurse never gets to hear that end of the story. 

When my RE came by a few minutes later, I got to tell her, because she didn't know yet. SHE teared up, too.

We got fewer eggs at retreival than I expected. We'll see if anyone is mature or fertilizes. But, guys, we have a euploid! He'll never get to leave the freezer if we don't get at least one more, because I won't put myself through all the surgeries unless I have at least two euploid. But for this one tiny moment, with one ER remaining, I have hope again. And I love that beautiful little boy in the freezer. 


  1. And now I’m tearing up too!!! Congrats on that little guy in the freezer!! I have everything crossed that this retrieval will give you the second embryo you need!!

  2. And now I’m tearing up too!!! Congrats on that little guy in the freezer!! I have everything crossed that this retrieval will give you the second embryo you need!!

  3. Yay!! Congratulations! Such great news on your little embryo guy!

  4. Such great news. I'm tearing up. And I'm smiling for you.
