Saturday, September 30, 2017

Chronic Endometritis

On Monday, at 7:00 am, I go to see an Infectious Disease specialist at the U. The main focus of the discussion, I expect, will be the chronic endometritis that has now been diagnosed. I'm also expecting a side dose of 'why was I still culturing ecoli after a week of clindamycin?'

In preparation, I'm printing a few CE resources. I may have included these in previous posts.  . . what can I say, my memory has never been what it used to be! Still, having these in one place might be helpful for someone, so here we go.

December 2016 review article on the subject 'Chronic Endometritis and Infertility.' This references the links to repeat pregnancy loss (RPL), IVF implantation failure. It discusses diagnostic criteria, pathology, and treatment.
May 2014 article on the subject of 'Chronic Endometritis Due to Common Bacteria is Prevalent in Women with Recurrent Miscarriage as Confirmed by Improved Pregnancy Outcome After Antibiotic Treatment.' The title kind of gives away the ending, but this shows tables of outcomes by CE status before and after treatment.
I don't have a full text link for this one, but it's a reseach review of Chronic Endometritis: Potential Cause of Infertility and Obstetric and Neonatal Complications.
I'm also planning on giving my OB copies of the first two papers. Maybe she'll get offended and won't take them, like the OB at my previous practice. Maybe she'll take them and never read them. But maybe I'll help provide some additional information that can benefit future patients. Of women with RPL, 50% don't find an explanation. I suspect, from the growing body of CE literature, that CE explains a proportion of that 50%. If only we'd found and treated it a year ago, who knows what might have happened. 

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