Wednesday, December 20, 2017


The answer to the question could my lining improve? Nope.

At monitoring appointment #4, follicles were at 24 and 18.5, lining was 5 and cystic. They told me to trigger as we weren't getting any change from more stims/estrogen.

Basically, I just spent about $4k to accomplish the same thing I could have accomplished with a natural cycle: lining that's just thick enough to cause a chemical pregnancy.

I'm sad, although not so much about this cycle as about the fact that maybe my lining can't recover. Maybe I've been through all this horror and heartbreak for nothing. I knew that was the risk if I did the TAC surgery, but I didn't know how bad the complications from that would be. I'm stubborn enough, I probably would have done it anyway, but still. . . 

Not a great place to be going into the holidays. Off to get my mom from the airport . . . mother in law, brother in law and mother in law's fiance all arrive in the next few days. There will be holiday cheer. Or something.

Oh, and crowning glory? Earlier this week I got my first "just relax and it'll happen!" From my mom. Actually she said maybe my stress was inhibiting my lining. I know it comes from a place of love, but e-gads! I believe strongly in the mind-body connection, but my stress level isn't going to fix this any more than my mom would have recovered from her breast cancer or Grave's Disease by relaxing.


  1. Ugh about your lining. I’m so sorry. And banging my head against the wall with the “just relax” comment. Because nope, nope, nope. Very sorry for that one too.

  2. Thanks. And yeah 'nope' is the perfect response!

  3. Oh, good grief to the "relax and it'll happen." Our mothers mean well, but they do say some things that are the opposite of helpful. The best response to that I've heard is to say, "tried that, didn't work, now we're using science."
