Tuesday, May 15, 2018

No Response

No response from my ovaries. No response from my uterus. Lining below 4, follicles below 6.

Increase dosage, return on Saturday.

It's not looking good, ya'll. I'm on a much higher dosage than I was for my last 'no response' cycle, and still, nothing. Heck, with Quinn's cycle, I'd had half the FSH of this cycle, and still had a follicle at almost 10.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, since I ovulated so late my last two cycles. Apparently my ovaries are off. Glad to see my months of acupuncture and clean eating are working wonders. Amazing that I responded in December and February, but not now. Maybe that means there's hope for a better result in the future. Optimism springs eternal.

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